Wives Tales and Pregnancy

During pregnancy, people love giving advice, even when it’s unwelcome. As the pregnancy progresses, the advice becomes even more frequent and varied, ranging from how to walk or bend to remedies to induce labor. One entertaining aspect of pregnancy is hearing wives tales, which are myths.

At this point, the sex of the baby may not matter as much as wanting to end morning sickness. According to one wives tale, severe morning sickness indicates a girl.

There’s a fun wives tale that involves sliding a ring down a thin piece of string or hair, holding it above the belly, and observing its movements. A circular movement means it’s a boy, while a back and forth movement means it’s a girl. It can be tested on others too.

Heartburn during pregnancy is said to indicate that the baby will be born with a head full of hair, according to one wives tale. Additionally, the baby’s gender is supposedly indicated by its heart rate, with high heart rates indicating a girl and low heart rates indicating a boy.

Another wives tale involves the position of the baby in the belly. Carrying high supposedly means it’s a girl, while carrying low means it’s a boy.

Although wives tales can be entertaining, they are not factual, so don’t take them too seriously. Don’t make any decisions based on them, such as preparing a child’s room based on the predicted gender.

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