The Essential To-Dos and Not-to-dos

Congratulations! You have embarked on an amazing journey of embracing parenthood. The two lines on the pregnancy testing bar have confirmed it.

The very first stage of pregnancy is the vital one. The fundamental development of the foetus begins from this stage. You are undergoing a lot. The physical and emotional roller-coaster in the first trimester is the most common. The dad-to-be tries to be by you in various ways and helps you out, whenever you need it.

So, here are a few essential first-trimester to-dos and not-to-dos for first-time moms and dads-to-be.

Healthy Snacks for Nauseous Feelings

The feeling of nausea and vomiting is the most unpleasant one in the first trimester. According to research, 50% of the mums-to-be in the first trimester feel nauseous. During such times, it is difficult for you to keep anything in your stomach. You might be struggling to have a full plate meal. The caring husband may or may not feel the same way. But to deal with the situation, he must remember what the doctor has said.

  • She shouldn’t be on an empty stomach for a very long time. Being on an empty stomach for a long time can make her feel sicker. So, keeping this advice in mind, giving her healthy snacks and drinks is your saviour. 
  • Keep the trail mix, a granola bar, whole grain toast, and crackers stashed on the nightstand for her to nibble. 
  • Whipping up a few smoothies for her after she wakes can keep her nausea at bay.
  •  Surprise her with an assortment of homemade sweets or savoury. Add very little sugar to them.

Fruits and Veggies to Deal With the Food Aversions

In the first trimester, you may not feel like having anything, because of the soaring pregnancy hormones. Having said that, some of the common pregnancy aversions include meat, eggs, milk, onion, spicy foods, etc. It may not be possible for you to completely avoid pregnancy food aversions, but if you still must include them, don’t forget to put leafy greens in the salads or have fruit juices, or smoothies with them. The colourful fruits and veggies also offer loads of nutrients and antioxidants during pregnancy as well as for the growing baby. How ‘bout the loving husband making her some healthy as well as nutritious fruits and veggie salad?

Eating Right and in Balance During Pregnancy Food Cravings

You may have aversions towards certain foods, but pregnancy cravings have a lot to do with your first-trimester symptoms. So, from pickles to popsicles, you have a lot to crave for. The first-time daddy also knows about it. Keeping her health conditions – gestational diabetes, and preeclampsia – in mind, you can cook something nice, and healthy for her. Including folates in the first-trimester diet platter can cover the calcium, iron, and zinc required in her body. Give her reminders about taking her prenatal vitamins.

Ditching Anything That Emits a Foul Smell

A heightened sense of smell or hypersomnia is one of the early signs of pregnancy, besides morning sickness. The soaring pregnancy hormones are responsible for it, and certain smells will almost send you running to the bathroom. The smell of cigarettes, urine, etc, can aggravate the sense of smell also. Therefore, as a loving husband and first-time dad-to-be, this is the time to keep smoking or drinking at bay. If your partner is fond of colognes or perfumes, the smell of which can make you feel irritated, he may not use it for a few days or months. Certain fish or meat can also emit a foul smell. Try not to get them home, at least for some time.  

Dealing With Frequent Urination Habits

Frequent urination throughout the day and night can be very inconvenient and disruptive to your life during the first trimester. You might have to wake up several times at night to visit the bathroom. Try to cut down on the fluids after 4 pm. Try to say “no” to coffee or caffeinated drinks during the day as well as at night. Also, perform Kegel exercises to keep your pelvic muscles strong.

Staying Active to Deal With Physical and Mental Upheavals

Gaining weight, feeling insomniac, throwing up quite often, as well as urinating frequently are part of your first-trimester pregnancy symptoms. Along with this, you’ll feel both physically and mentally tired. Start brisk walking. Just wear a pair of comfortable shoes. Performing yoga, and meditation should also be a part of your daily activity, during pregnancy. The dad-to-be can be a good company in all this. Both of you can join the antenatal classes together. In the antenatal, both of you can learn a lot about the first stage of pregnancy.

Taking the Flu Shots

During pregnancy, along with the hormones, the immunity is also rising. As a result of which the mother will be prone to flu and illness. So, it is always better to take her for the flu shots. Even the COVID-19 vaccine is safe for those who are pregnant.

Visiting the Dentist

The hormonal fluctuations, eating habits, as well as the feeling of nausea during the first trimester, can affect your gums and teeth too. Your gums may be swollen, and red. It tends to become tender. Toothache and bad breath are also not uncommon. Regular teeth cleaning and visiting the dentist to take prescribed pain-relieving medicines. Along with that, the intake of healthy food and less sweets and sugary food and drinks can be healthy for your oral health.

Pregnancy-safe Medicines are a Must

You must be struggling with indigestion, different types of allergies, etc. Consulting the doctor for pregnancy-safe medicines for all health conditions is an absolute must.

Hydration is the Key

Drinking 8 to 12 cups of water is the norm. It helps in digestion and continues to circulate the nutrients in the body. It further helps in removing the waste from the body. Why not give her some warm water or smoothies? Making her a cup of herbal tea is also a healthy option.

Getting Enough Rest

Pregnancy insomnia is common. Maybe a good night’s sleep won’t be entirely possible at this moment as a result of hormonal changes, repeated bathroom visits, etc. As a loving dad-to-be giving a prenatal massage or taking her to an aeromatherapy can bring your sleep back.

Getting Support From Friends, Relatives, and Doctors

The hormonal flux, extreme tiredness, and sleep deprivation at the start of the pregnancy journey can make you feel moody and anxious. You might even feel like crying. Taking adequate rest can do some good for you. Speaking to friends and relatives who’ve had babies for support should relaxing for both of you. Doctors or psychologists can support you equally well and can keep you stress-free. Along with this, doing something of interest, for instance, listening to music, reading, and gardening can make you feel pepped up.

The first trimester of pregnancy is the very first milestone that you’ve achieved. The rest is yet to be achieved. So, accept the challenges, and follow the tips.

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