Category Archives: Pregnancy And You

Procedure & How It Works?

Pregnancy is a teamwork. A couple may have been planning pregnancy for quite a long time, but have remained unsuccessful. The reasons may be genetic or lifestyle, age, and medical disorders.  Genetic or lifestyle disorders can be mended naturally – maybe by eating well, doing the right kind of exercise, and meditation, or sometimes by…

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Foetal Maternal Microchimerism: Implications for Maternal Health

Microchimerism is a small population of cells born from foetal microchimerism (FMc) and maternal microchimerism (MMc). While foetal microchimerism is the presence and persistence of foetal cells in maternal tissues, maternal microchimerism (MMc) is the presence of maternal cells in foetal tissues. Foetal Maternal Microchimerism The fetus’ stem cells can migrate across the placenta to…

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