Breast Pain During Pregnancy: Symptoms, Causes & Remedies

With pregnancy comes hormonal changes. A hormonal flux affects the entire body and mind. For instance, there’s swelling in your body. You feel moody and tired. Also, you’ll have breast changes and pain from conception to delivery. The breasts feel full and heavy with a tingling sensation. This is because they are getting ready to breastfeed your baby.

What Are Some of the Other Reasons for Breast Pain During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a major cause of breast pain. Other factors along with pregnancy may also play a role. The other factors include:

Indigestion or Heartburn During Pregnancy

Food usually goes down the esophagus to the stomach. It moves through the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES), a crucial muscular valve. Pregnancy causes your body to absorb nutrients for the developing baby. This can cause acid reflux and heartburn. As the fetus grows, the uterus expands. It puts pressure on the stomach and stomach acid and food goes back into the oesophagus. As a result of this acid reflux, there’s not just a burning feeling in the chest area, you’ll also feel breast pain. You may also feel the pain under the left breast.

Breast Strain

The growing uterus and foetus press on the ribs and diaphragm. This tightens and hurts the muscles and ligaments in and around the breasts. The breast size also changes, further causing breast pain.

Increase Blood Flow

Pregnancy increases blood volume. This surge in blood flow affects the breasts. They swell and become tender and painful.

Glandular Tissue Changes

The breasts have glandular tissues that produce milk. Lobules and ducts comprise this tissue. As pregnancy progresses, hormones stimulate the growth of glandular tissues. This prepares the body for lactation. Hormones like estrogen, progesterone and prolactin are key. They develop glandular tissue.

Pregnancy Weight Gain

Your weight during pregnancy depends on a few things. They are the baby’s weight (, the placenta’s, the amniotic fluid’s, and your diet. The breasts grow in size and become heavier because of pregnancy weight gain. Your weight also puts pressure on the breast tissue and ligaments. This supports them for breastfeeding after birth, causing pain.

Is Breast Pain During Pregnancy Normal?

Breast pain is a common experience during pregnancy. The pain starts in the first trimester and moves to the second and third trimesters. The third-trimester breast pain is crucial. They start lactating and leaking colostrum, a thick yellowish pre-milk. It’s normal to feel some sensitivity, swelling and a burning sensation in your breasts. The nipples also change.

How to Get Relief From Breast Pain During Pregnancy?

Each woman’s experience with breast pain during pregnancy is unique. So, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. By knowing the discomfort and its causes, expectant mothers can find ways to relieve it. This can help them be more resilient.

You can address the pain in both physical and emotional ways. Use various methods. Some of them are as follows:

  • Applying a warm compress to soothe the pain
  • Getting a gentle massage done
  • Wearing supportive inners 
  • Finding a comfortable sleep position during pregnancy and using additional support with pillows
  • Also, it’s a must to stay hydrated and get the right amount of nutrition

Pregnancy breast pain is just like any other pregnancy challenge. Open communication with healthcare providers can address concerns and enhance your pregnancy experience. With the right support, you can navigate this journey. You will feel more comfortable and well.

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