Uterine Pain During Pregnancy: Causes and Natural Remedies

Embracing motherhood is a transformative journey for you. You will be faced with a lot of discomfort. Experiencing pain or cramps – in the back, leg, etc is one of the biggest pregnancy challenges. Pelvic girdle pain can also be considered a normal part of abdominal or pelvis adjustment during pregnancy. (The pelvic girdle is made up of several bones, near the hips and thighs, and forms a ring-like structure at the base of the spine. It serves as a foundation for the pelvis and supports the weight of the upper body).

During pregnancy, the pelvic girdle may experience pain or discomfort as the body adjusts to the growing fetus. This pain begins near the groins and goes up to the upper part of the thighs as well as the perineum. 

Although this is a common pain during pregnancy as has been mentioned above, you wouldn’t necessarily have to suffer from it. So, understand the reasons, and treatment options for it.

What Causes Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy? 

Pelvic pain during pregnancy starts during the first trimester of your pregnancy and becomes more pronounced as you proceed towards your due date. But why? Here are the reasons behind it. 

Reasons for Pelvic Pain During Early Pregnancy

The process of egg fertilisation occurs during this phase. That means the egg attaches to the uterine lining resulting in spotting and period-like cramps. Additionally, the soaring pregnancy hormones play an essential role here. The relaxin hormones, during this phase, may cause symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) – in which pelvic ligaments become softer and more relaxed. 

Reasons for Pelvic Pain During the Second Trimester

With the baby’s growth inside your womb, during the second trimester, you may feel like there is a sharp and stabbing pain near your pelvis. With the growth of the uterus, the ligament also stretches and causes discomfort in the lower part of the abdomen and back. Such a condition is also known as round ligament pain in the second trimester. What’s more? The pregnancy hormones are constantly fluctuating resulting in constipation, bloating, and lower abdominal pain. 

Reasons For Pelvic Pain During the Third Trimester

By the time you reach the third trimester, the weight of your growing baby, exerts pressure on the pelvis, resulting in round ligament pain as well as sciatica discomfort. Harping on Sciatica pain, during this phase, impacts only one side of your body. Such pain runs down the sciatic nerve – spine, lower back, hips as well as down the legs. Along with this, you may be faced with Braxton Hicks Contractions or practice contractions, which are not usually painful. But the pressure on the pelvis triggers pain. The more you are towards the end of your pregnancy journey, the baby takes the head-down position. As a result, there is more stress and pressure on the pelvic floor causing pain in the lower back pain, sacrum, tailbone, and sacroiliac joint.  

However, there’s nothing to worry about, this pain is hardly going to do any harm to your baby. Moreover, every problem has its solution. Similarly, uterine pain has its treatment option. 

How to Get Relief From Pregnancy Pelvic Pain?

As per research, only 1 of you out of 5 will undergo pregnancy pelvic pain. But, the good news is, you wouldn’t have to accept and adapt yourself to the pregnancy pelvic pain. Using a warm heating pad, taking a warm water bath, and getting acupuncture, as well as massage therapy, are some of the ways to get relief from this pain naturally. Take enough rest, and while you’re sleeping, sleep on your left side and squeeze in a pregnancy pillow in between your knees. Try to be active if you can.

Consult the healthcare practitioner, when you notice vaginal bleeding or painful urination.  

This may be a little uncomfortable and inconvenient, but this too shall pass. 

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