Diarrhea During Pregnancy? Remedies and Treatment

Most of the challenges during pregnancy are due to hormonal fluctuations and the baby’s development inside your womb. Thanks to the soaring hormones and the growing weight of the baby inside you feel nauseous, swollen, tired, etc.

You may also develop other conditions related to your pregnancy. Above all, being less active, and getting the essential nutrients from your food both for you and your baby could impact your bathroom habits, and you’re more likely to feel constipated

Loose motion or diarrhea could also cause discomfort either in the early or later stage of your pregnancy. So, it would mean experiencing runny, and watery bowel movements in a day.

So, once you find out that you’re pregnant and see your body going through a slew of changes, especially visiting the washroom for your stomach upset, you go to your healthcare provider to know.

Reasons for Diarrhea in the Early and Later Stages of Pregnancy

Diarrhea, unlike pregnancy constipation, may not be an early sign of pregnancy, but in the early stage of pregnancy, diarrhea tends to originate from: 

  • All the good-for-you foods that you may be having now. Maybe you have more fiber or your intake of prenatal vitamins or your dietary supplements are high these days, but they can impact the frequency and consistency of the bowel movements. 
  • Another reason diarrhea occurs during pregnancy is that some pregnant women become sensitive to certain foods. Maybe you’ve had these foods before you became pregnant, but intake of these same foods can make your stomach upset. 
  • Hormonal fluctuations are responsible for pregnancy diarrhea too. 
  • Moreover, viral and bacterial infections may cause stomach upset or diarrhea.
  • Feeling dehydrated during pregnancy can also be one of the reasons behind diarrhea in pregnancy

Diarrhea is mostly common during your third trimester, just before going to the stage labour, as by this time the pelvic muscles become loose and you get ready for childbirth.  

Treat and Stop Diarrhea During Pregnancy  

There’s nothing to worry about diarrhea in pregnancy. It goes away very soon. But, since a lot of water goes away from your body, here are a few treatment options available for it. 

  • Drink lots of water. Smoothies, broths, and electrolytes replace the loss of water from your body. Plain water can keep you hydrated, juices or smoothies can keep you full, and broth can fill up your loss of sodium.
  • Follow a BRAT diet to bulk up your poop. BRAT means bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. Along with this, avoid food that will not worsen the condition. For instance, fatty and fried food, beans, broccoli, etc causing gas as well as dairy products  
  • Additionally, to treat it, get the medical recommendation of taking over-the-counter antidiarrheal medication.  

Overall, diarrhea is just another pregnancy challenge. All you need to do is accept the challenge and get it remedied, as it has been mentioned above. 

With everything, enjoy your pregnancy thoroughly. 

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