Home Remedies For Treating Muscle Cramps During Pregnancy
What causes muscle cramps during pregnancy? Hormones, of course. Simultaneously, it occurs during pregnancy due to uterine growth. The uterus expands to accommodate the baby inside you. As a result, you’ll feel the pressure and ache on the ligaments, and joints. The veins supply blood to the uterus, thus making it feel heavy, and cramped in the lower abdomen. With the growth of the uterus, there are chances of it tilting in one direction exerting pressure on the ligaments, and nerves. Moreover, lower levels of potassium, calcium, and magnesium (Mg) can cause muscle spasms.
Research has shown that around half of the pregnancies, especially during the second and third trimesters feel muscle cramps. There is a tendency for you to get that Ah! Ouch! feeling especially achy at night.
However, there are medical and natural ways to get relief from muscle cramps during pregnancy.
What to Do for Pregnancy Muscle Cramps?
Such cramps may not exactly be stopped or prevented, but you can take a few natural steps to reduce the muscle spasms or cramps. They include:
Do the Stretching Exercise
As you proceed with your pregnancy, the tummy size increases. The foetal weight may exert pain, especially back pain. Performing stretching exercises during pregnancy can help in loosening muscle stiffness. It further helps in reducing the pain. Performing stretching exercises, especially at night can prevent leg cramps. But, you can do the leg stretching routine to reduce the pain in the calf muscles.
Get a Warm Shower With Epsom Salt
Including warm baths in your daily pregnancy schedule is a natural muscle cramps treatment – whether it is your back or leg. It further helps relieve muscle tension. This is a sheer effective home remedy for your pregnancy haemorrhoids (piles). The pain and swelling will reduce. A warm water foot bath takes care of leg cramps. Only do a thermometer check for the temperature of the water. You won’t be able to bear too much of heat. Adding a dash of Epsom Salt to the warm water is very relaxing.
Try a Hot and Cold Compress
You can use heating pads, or wrap some rice in a microwaved hot cloth bag and then apply it on the muscle cramps all over the body. Or else, you can take out some ice from the refrigerator and apply it on the achy muscles to relieve you from spasms, cramps, and aches. You can also combine a heating pad with the ice pack.
Gentle Prenatal Massage
Go for a weekly or monthly prenatal massage in a pregnancy-safe massage parlour. It keeps muscle cramps, spasms, aches, and pain away. In this way, it enhances blood circulation in the body and helps in addressing musculoskeletal complaints.
Stay Hydrated
Due to dehydration, there is an increased risk of muscle and leg cramps. Drink enough water or fluids, your muscle aches and cramps will feel reduced. How? Water can keep your body hydrated and improves the heart’s function of pumping blood circulation thus reducing muscle cramps and spasms. Drink at least 8 to 12 glasses of water per day.
Lie Down on the Left Side
You’re more likely to sleep on your left side, as it will improve your blood circulation. Try to put a full-body pillow or place a pillow between your legs, against your lower back, or below the abdomen.
Yet, if you feel your muscle cramps are persistent, and the home remedies do not work out, consult your healthcare practitioner immediately. You may have to get medical help.
Muscle cramps are part of pre-birth complications. You have to deal with it till such time that you deliver your baby.