Rib Pain in Pregnancy: Reasons, Symptoms and Treatment

Embracing motherhood is a heavenly experience. You are nurturing another life inside of you, which involves many changes. There is swelling, soreness, a moody feeling, etc.

As pregnancy progresses in the second and third trimesters, the baby grows and occupies more uterine space. While the baby develops inside the womb, it kicks, stretches, and moves by the ribs, causing pain.

Why Do You Get Rib Pain During Pregnancy?

Even though rib pain is harmless, you must know the possible causes. The reasons include:

When you enter the first trimester of pregnancy, your body undergoes a tremendous hormonal flux. A fluctuating level of pregnancy hormones is primarily responsible for the loss of joints. Also, your body, including your uterus, changes gradually as the baby develops.

Rib Pain in the Second Trimester

You may experience rib pain on either side. Pain under the ribs on the right side may be a sign of preeclampsia (high blood pressure or hypertension). As the baby develops, rib pain becomes more intense in the second trimester. How? There is a push against the diaphragm. The baby’s head turns upside down and faces towards the vagina. Their feet also point toward the ribs of the mom-to-be. Eventually, the kicks stretch and cause rib pain.

Rib Pain in the Third Trimester

In the third trimester, the baby has grown enough to move outside the womb. Since the baby slides down the vagina, he or she exerts additional pressure on the uterus and the ribs. This time, it may be difficult for you to bend forward with your big baby bump right in front. Additionally, the weight you’ve gained during your pregnancy not just gives you rib pain, but also shortness of breath.

How to Get Rid of Rib Pain During Pregnancy? 

According to what has been mentioned above, rib pain can range from mild to strong depending on the trimester. Here’s how to relieve rib pain in pregnancy:

Stay Active

According to experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), you’d have to spend at least 150 minutes doing low-intensity exercises like yogasanas, aerobics, swimming and brisk walking. You can also use an exercise ball to roll your back and repeat those rolls.

Take a lukewarm Bath

A lukewarm bath can soothe your sore muscles and pain. It may not be easy for you to climb out of the bath. However, applying a heating pad to the rib area is a good choice.

Put Hot and Cold Compresses

Put hot and cold compresses on the sore parts of the abdomen after taking a lukewarm bath. Muscle knots will gradually be smoothed out by it.

Support Your Body

You can always support your body with nursing bras, maternity pillows, etc. Wearing a pregnancy belly band is also an option. Belly-support bands are designed to distribute weight around your belly. They can help reduce ligament pain and relieve pressure away from the ribs.

Don’t Sit for a Long Time

If you spend long hours at a desk at work, it’s crucial to take regular breaks, stand up, and move around frequently to maintain your overall well-being.

Sometimes you have no choice but to wait until delivery. Only, you may have to bear a little childbirth pain. As your baby moves downwards, you will not just face breathing trouble, you will also experience cramps and pain in the abdomen.

Pregnancy rib pain is part of pregnancy, but you can’t let it pass completely. The pain bothers you. It’s always wise to be safe, as mentioned above, consult your healthcare practitioner.

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